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PALYGORSCITE (12174-11-7)

Synonyms:RVM-FG;Attaclay X 250;Attasorb;Min-U-Gel FG;DC 150;200U/P-RVM;Palygorskite ([Mg(Al0.5-1Fe0-0.5)]Si4(OH)O10.4H2- O);Attagel;Min-U-Gel AR;ATTAGEL 150;ATTAGEL 50;ACTIVATED ATTAPULGITE;ATTAGEL 40;PALYGORSKIT (GERMAN);PERMAGEL;PHARMASORB-COLLOIDAL;Min-U-Gel 200;L 96117;Attacote;Min-U-Gel 400;X 250;Attapulgite;Min-U-Gel 100;Zeogel;Diluex;Attaclay;
Molecular Formula: 2Al.3Mg.6O3Si
Molecular Structure: (2Al.3Mg.6O3Si) RVM-FG;Attaclay X 250;Attasorb;Min-U-Gel FG;DC 150;200U/P-RVM;Palygorskite ([Mg(Al0.5-1Fe0-0.5)]Si4(...
Flash Point: n/a
Water Solubility:negligible Stability Stable. Toxicology Not expected to present a significant health hazard. Toxicity data (The meaning of any abbreviations which appear in thi


IARC Cancer Review: Group 3 IMEMDT    IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Man . 7 ,1987,p. 117.(World Health Organization, Internation Agency for Research on Cancer,Lyon, France.: ) (Single copies can be ordered from WHO Publications Centre U.S.A., 49 Sheridan Avenue, Albany, NY 12210) ; Animal Limited Evidence IMEMDT    IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Man . 42 ,1987,p. 159.(World Health Organization, Internation Agency for Research on Cancer,Lyon, France.: ) (Single copies can be ordered from WHO Publications Centre U.S.A., 49 Sheridan Avenue, Albany, NY 12210) ; Human Inadequate Evidence IMEMDT    IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Man . 42 ,1987,p. 159.(World Health Organization, Internation Agency for Research on Cancer,Lyon, France.: ) (Single copies can be ordered from WHO Publications Centre U.S.A., 49 Sheridan Avenue, Albany, NY 12210) .

Flash Point: n/a
Safety Data

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