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Ipecac syrup (8012-96-2)


Mechanism of action:The actions of Ipecac syrup (CAS NO.8012-96-2) are mainly those of its major alkaloids, emetine (methylcephaeline) and cephaeline. They both act locally by irritating the gastric mucosa and centrally by stimulating the medullary chemoreceptor trigger zone to induce vomiting.

Poison Treatment: The commercial preparation of ipecac consists of 1/14th of fluedextractum of ipecac root. The rest is composed of glycerin and sugar syrup

Abuse:Ipecac has been used by individuals with bulimia nervosa as a means to achieve weight loss through induced defensive vomiting. Repeated abuse is believed to cause damage to the heart, which can ultimately result in the user's death.One victim may have been singer Karen Carpenter.[citation needed] It has also been used as an agent for Münchausen syndrome by proxy.

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